Well, we’re almost there! It’s been a slow (but hopefully good!) walk through 2 John—a book that many of us have probably overlooked for most of our Christian walk. We have so far seen that the elect are those who remain in obedience to walk in truth and love and who will receive the reward of Christ. Through our faithfulness to allow God’s Word and our relationship with him to change every aspect of our lives, we will receive the reward of Christ!
As this series comes to an end, we will be spending the last sermon looking at the two last verses. These verses may seem to be a necessary conclusion to a postcard letter that John would have written, but they are also much more than that. They should help to point us into the outcome of our fellowship with one another and challenge us to desire to be with each other, all together, in person. What a strong encouragement for a time when we have been so far encouraged to be apart!
John isn’t just ending the letter because he has to; rather, he is using the final two verses to give a final encouragement! He is reminding the local church of the love they have between all believers based on the truth that they all share!
The best way you can prepare for this series is to go back and listen to any sermon you may have missed, and to reread and meditate on the entire book of 2 John. Spend some time meditating on the truths we have already read. Spend some time prayerfully considering what ways you can live out this passage in your everyday lives.
To go along with your reading, we have also created two Spotify playlists for you to listen to as you read. One playlist is all instrumental: Songs For Your Quiet Time. The other playlist is different worship: Songs for Worship Throughout the Day.
Join us this Sunday morning at 10 a.m. though one of the three doors to LifeWay Church:
- 1: Watch online in your own home
- 2: Join a small group and stream the service together
- 3: Come to church and join us inside the building (remember to register!)
In His Service,