This Sunday, we will be continuing in our series through “The Postcard Epistle.” Last week, we started by diving deep into the first three verses. That whole sermon was definitely more on the head knowledge side of things, but I hope that you found it helpful in understanding just how rich scripture is and how much is there. In understanding the context of the book we saw that, most likely, the Elder was John the Apostle, the son of Zebedee, and that he was writing to a specific house church that he would have been overseeing.
The purpose of the letter was to remind them to know and hold onto the truth and to love. John loved them and wanted to protect them from any falsehood. The main point of the sermon last week was to show that the elect are those who remain in truth and love. We ended the sermon by asking some of the same questions for ourselves. Are we remaining in truth and love? What would that look like, for LifeWay to hold fast to truth and love? How would our church, community, and world change?
This week, we are going to continue our deep dive into 2 John by focusing on the next three verses: 2 John 4-6. We are going to look at what it means to obey the command from Jesus to walk in love and truth.
To prepare yourselves for the upcoming sermon, I’d really encourage you to join in the reading plan through 1 John, the Gospel of John, 2 John, and 3 John. The readings are meant to help us have a better idea of John’s writing style and to understand the themes he is talking about. If you’re not already, you can sign up for the devotionals here.
I’d also love to encourage you to connect with others about the sermon, whether it’s in a small group or just with your family or with a few close friends. Talk through the sermon and use the discussion guide to think through how you may apply what we are reading to our daily lives.
To go along with your reading, we have also created two Spotify playlists for you to listen to as you read. One playlist is all instrumental: Songs For Your Quiet Time. The other playlist is different worship: Songs for Worship Throughout the Day.
Join us this Sunday morning at 10 a.m. though one of the three doors to LifeWay Church:
- 1: Watch online in your own home
- 2: Join a small group and stream the service together
- 3: Come to church and join us inside the building (remember to register!)
In His Service,