LINK: The Book of Jesus Test—printable version
Our Memory Verse for the Year—Colossians 1:15 Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.
For each theological word or phrase, list reasons why the word or phrase is critical to our understanding of Jesus as the main story in the Bible. Then explain why this matters, what difference it makes, and how it affects you personally.
- Holy God (Genesis 1)
- Image Bearers (Genesis 2)
- Shattered (Genesis 3)
- Rescue (Genesis 3)
- Covenant (Genesis 12)
- Sacrifice (Genesis 22 & Exodus 12)
- Remember (Exodus 12)
- The Messiah
- The promise of the Messiah (Isaiah 9)
- The picture of the Messiah (Isaiah 9, 49, 53)
- The arrival of the Messiah (Luke 2)
- The lineage of the Messiah (John 1)
- The story of the Messiah—Jesus
- Jesus’ baptism; his temptation; the calling of his disciples
(John 1 & Matthew 4) - Jesus the miracle worker (John 2)
- Jesus speaks with Nicodemus (John 3)
- Jesus meets the woman at the well (John 4)
- Jesus heals the paralyzed (John 5)
- Jesus feeds 5000 (John 6)
- Jesus speaks of being a disciple (John 6)
- Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead (John 11)
- Jesus’ baptism; his temptation; the calling of his disciples
- The “I Am” statements of Jesus
- What are the “I Am” statements, and what do they mean?
(John 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15)
- What are the “I Am” statements, and what do they mean?
- Jesus’ fulfillments during Holy Week
- List out the storyline of his final days (John 12-19)
- The completion of the Messiah’s work—and his hand-off to the disciples
- What does Jesus hand off to the disciples? (John 20-21, Acts 1)
- What do these phrases mean as Jesus hands off his message to the disciples?
- Restored his image in us
- To reveal his image to the world