Christ is the invisible image of the invisible God.
Colossians 1:15
Have you ever given deeper thought to what it means to be called a Christian? The title of “Christianity” was not something that the early disciples and apostles came up with for themselves. In fact, they often referred to themselves as “followers of the Way.” The designation of being a “Christian” actually came from outsiders who where trying to describe this unique group of people who put Christ at their center. Others said of them that they were “followers of the Christ”—Christians. We find this first in Antioch of Syria (Acts 11:26), and the title stuck. But do we really understand all that the title implies? I often think we don’t.
There is no shortage of religions and cult-type groups in this world. Let’s be clear: a religion is essentially something that mankind creates in order to manipulate some mysterious higher power and convince it to have things “go my way.” It becomes a plan to manipulate some kind of god out there to help me be more healthy and wealthy, help me win my battles, and help my crops to grow better. But this kind of religious god that I put up there is only in place as long as I need it. When my need is met, I can move on to another god.

This is essentially a description of “humanistic theological practice,” the oldest religious plan in all of human history. This is paganism at its core. Sadly, those of us in the Christian community—unless we come to really know who Christ is—will see Christianity this way as well. It is a perversion of Christ. This is NOT who Jesus is.
We are on a journey this year studying what we are calling, “The Book of Jesus.” The Bible is God’s great story, and Jesus is at the center of it all. This is where we are launching our study this coming Sunday morning: “Christ is the invisible image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15).
Come to the Sunday service this weekend through any of our three open doors:
- In a small home group,
- At the church campus, or
- Online wherever you are.
All of us together are going to memorize Colossians 1:15 and begin the study of why we would put Jesus at the center. We will look into the powerful impact of what it means to be called a Christian—a follower of Christ. We are on a journey to discover who Jesus really is.
Please meet with others to explore the questions presented in this week’s discussion guide. There are different opportunities either in person or online for you to do so.
You also have personal homework for this weekend—the reading of the short New Testament book of Colossians (only 4 chapters) as well as John chapter 1.
See you Sunday morning as we begin a marvelous year together.