Have you ever been called a fool?
These are very strong words and a deeply insulting accusation. But this is the description Jesus used in the parable of the “rich fool.”
This Sunday morning we will open our Bibles to Luke 12:13-21 for this parable from Jesus. Read ahead now as you prepare yourself for our time of teaching this weekend. Like every weekend, there are questions that will be available for you to ask each other at the end of our teaching time. Let’s not only take the time to learn the story, but really think carefully about the application of this teaching to our own life.
Intellectually, we all know that life is brief. Even at its best it goes so quickly. We also intellectually know that with this limited amount of time, we build something of value. I believe the great challenge is transferring the intellectual knowledge of the limits of our days, and being able to act on the truth of this in a daily and regular way.
Bottom line is, I believe that often we live our lives like fools—wasting our days, wasting our talents, wasting our resources, and always thinking that we have tomorrow to act on it. When Jesus used the word “fool” to describe a rich man, I don’t believe that he was just talking about someone who had great financial wealth. I believe that he was talking about me and you—IF we don’t take take the time every day, every month, and every year to carefully invest our lives in things of eternal value.
Let’s talk about this on Sunday morning and in follow-up conversations with your group or family. Your assignment to prepare for the weekend:
- Read and contemplate
- Talk over the questions in your group after our teaching time (key questions are provided in the discussion guide below)
- Pray to get your heart ready
See you Sunday!

August 23 discussion guide