From the Mountain Top

From the Mountain Top

It seems that one of the most common illustrations that I use when writing or speaking is the illustration of Mountain Top experiences. Well, I’m using it again. But as I help prepare us for our Sunday morning teaching time, it’s hard not to use the same “Mountain Top” experience story because the story itself is an experience from a true, physical mountain top.

Here’s are some of what I’ve learned from being on mountains in my life…

  1. Mountain Top experiences can be exhilarating! The tallest peak I have ever been on was our own Mt Rainier. It is truly one of the great treasures of the NW as it stands out so big and bold on a clear day! (in fact, early this morning before I wrote this article it was ‘out’ in all its splendor. But looking at it from a distance is absolutely nothing like being on its summit or near there. My times I’ve been up near the summit it was almost like God’s face was partially on display. It is so glorious that it is difficult to stop because we want to soak it all in.
  2. Mountain Top experiences can be very personal!  What I mean is very few will go to this height. Most people stay in the lower ground where it is easier. And it is at these peak moments that it seems that God somehow speaks one on one with me.   
  3. Mountain Top experiences cut out the surrounding noise!  When we are in the hustle and bustle of city life we are pulled by every distraction out there. But up on the mountain top it’s like there is a one line only communication with the Almighty and all other communication lines are cut off (and this is good by the way).
  4. Mountain Top experiences can be frightening! Early in our marriage I took Patty into the mountains for camping and backpacking. I will never forget the time we were crossing a mountain peak in the Southern Rockies of northern New Mexico. For a while it was glorious as we enjoyed the solitude and the sweeping views… that is… until a giant cloud rolled in and lightening began to strike all around. We were vulnerable to say the least.  It was frightening as we rushed to a lower and safer elevation.  (To this day she never lets me forget this and reminds of how I almost got us killed by lightening).
  5. Mountain Top experiences can be life altering!  We know that we cannot live at the top all the time. It’s just not possible or practical. But if you hold on to that experience, you will never quite be the same again. It is very transformational.  

These are truths that I find in our focus of study this coming Sunday morning. We are going to study through the story that is most often called “The Transfiguration of Jesus.” Mark 9:2-13 is where we find this story. It was from this mountain top, with just a very few of the Disciples, that Jesus’ glory was on display (He was Transfigured). All of the emotions that I stated above took place with those three Disciples.  Before you come Sunday morning take time to read and meditate on this story. It is also found in Matthew 17:1-13 and Luke 9:28-36. It is a glorious story with a profound life altering application for us.

See you Sunday

Contact Billy Arnold