This coming Sunday morning at 10am, we are dedicating our worship time to practice the incredible spiritual habit of GIVING THANKS. Of course, next Thursday is the wonderful American holiday of Thanksgiving. Even though the world shares a few holidays with our culture, this one is truly an American holiday that is so special, and… it is so biblical… it encompasses the beautiful spiritual habit of giving thanks to God.
So what does our Sunday worship time look like? How can you prepare for worship? What is your part in this family worship experience?
We will be at a TABLE with the Family of Faith at our Thanksgiving Worship:
- We will set up our worship center around tables much like at a Thanksgiving meal you sit around the table with others.
- We will not have a full meal, BUT we will have some food at each table. Why? Because eating with others is not only a way to be in a family, but it is a way to give thanks to God with others for His provision daily for us.
- We will have opportunities for you to write a note(s) of thanksgiving to others that are either in the room worshipping with you, or someone outside the room that you want to share a note of thanks. And, we will take the opportunity to pray for one another.
We will be SINGING as a family of Worshipers at our Thanksgiving Worship:
- We will sing! We will sing a lot! We will sing more than normal on a Sunday morning. In Scripture so many times they responded to what God has done by writing songs and singing them. When the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea; when King David wrote out many of the Psalms; when it was announced to Mary of her virgin pregnancy of the coming Messiah; and lots more! We will practice this spiritual habit of praise singing on Sunday.
We will be SPEAKING GOD’S WORD at our Thanksgiving worship:
- Your assignment is to come with a verse of Thanksgiving. Some of us will be ask to share that verse out loud. But all of us are asked to come with God’s Word of Thanksgiving.
We will be GIVING at our Thanksgiving worship:
- Not only do we take the opportunity to share our prayer requests and normal offering, but we will be finishing our neighborhood school Twin Lakes Thanksgiving meal, and praying for God to use this as we share it with our neighbors.
We will be sharing in the greatest remembrance of Thanksgiving — COMMUNION
- At each table you will be with other brothers and sisters as we take communion, thanking God for the greatest gift of all — Jesus Christ.
“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!” 1 Chronicles 16:34
See you this Sunday for our family Thanksgiving Worship, and Happy Thanksgiving to this wonderful Church family called LifeWay.