Romans 12:1-8
We are now on what I have categorized as the last section of the book of Romans. This whole year we have studied Romans and Our Calling this series the gospel truth. The theology of what the gospel is in full detail is so well explained in the 1st 11 chapters of the book of Romans. But around the 12th chapter of this amazing letter in our New Testament we begin this section which is often considered to be the practical side of how do you live out the gospel as a believer. So in your own personal study now turn to Romans chapter 12 and for the next several weeks we will walk through the end of the book together. This Sunday we will concentrate on Romans 12:1-8. I ask you to read these verses slowly and carefully as you come to worship this coming Sunday. I am calling this section “Our Commitment to a Higher calling.”
In my own personal life I use a lot of Bible verses daily to help guide my private prayer time. You might remember that I taught through the spiritual habit of prayer last summer. Praying for ourself might at first seem selfish, but the truth is that we must live transformed daily by Christ if we expect to have any reasonable opportunity to share the Gospel with anyone else. Romans chapter 12 is the place where this begins. Romans 12:-2 are so deep in helping us begin to shape our lives to a higher calling. Why is this so important? Because the Gospel is so important. And as we studied last Sunday, the Gospel is the only thing that rescues the world, and WE are the Gospel bearers. So the way we live our life is so profoundly critical!
We are now entering in the changes that are called for. Some commentators have called much of this section of Scripture “Christianity 101.” My challenge to you is of course come prepared Sunday by reading and contemplating over this passage. Then begin slowly working your way through to the end of Romans over the next weeks ahead. But I want to challenge you to memorize Romans 12:1-2. It is a game changer. It is a life changer.
See you Sunday morning as we begin this last section of Romans and our commitment to a higher calling.