The Shema: Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.”
In the days of Moses, just before they were to cross the Jordan River to enter the promised land, the people of God – the Covenant people Israel – were given this command that we find in Deuteronomy 6:4. It is famous in the Jewish world and called “The Shema.” This literally means… “listen!” Don’t forget the context… they were called out by God, out of slavery, having walked by faith for 40 years in the wilderness, and now were commissioned to enter a new land where they could be a light for the world about the one true God. And this verse became their motto. Should it be ours too?
In the following verses to come (especially 6:5-9) we are going spend time Sunday morning discussing and unpacking what it means to REPEAT these words; TALK about what they mean; BIND them on our life; and WRITE them plainly on where we live and work. In other words… we are to be all in as we participate with the Generational God as his Generational Followers. We don’t discuss this passage often in the Christian Church because we somehow believe this is Old Testament stuff, and it really doesn’t apply. Well, that’s just not true. We are called to be all in.
This Sunday is Mothers Day, and our teaching time will be centered around this passage. I still believe this to be the best parenting chapter in all of the Bible. We are going to take the time to discuss what the daily task and job of every Christian parent is as we pass on the most valuable things to the next generation. But of course this is not just for parents, it is for the whole church body whether you have kids or not. We pass this on!
As you prepare for Sunday morning, please read Deuteronomy chapter 6 (again… as this was our assignment last week). A panel of us will again spend time talking through some of the practical day to day ways that we can instill this truth into the next generation. You will find it very helpful. We will have a special prayer time in the service… AND a special treat for all the women who attend as well.
Happy Mothers Day this week. I look forward to the warm weather too!
See you Sunday