

I have been reflecting on how God has been guiding me my whole life.

I grew up in a Christian home and attended church every week from the time I was born—but in my early years, I didn’t have a good role model of a loving parent at home. I went to private Christian schools (including a college from which I didn’t graduate). I became very familiar with the Bible through weekly lessons, sermons, and classes. But it took me a long time to realize exactly what Jesus did when he came here and died for me and my sins.

There were times when I didn’t know what I was going to do, but something prompted and directed me along the way. Sometimes I was guided by a thought in my mind, or by something said to me. When I graduated from American River College and was trying to decide which of two jobs I should take, a small voice told me to take the one with the better benefits package, as I was just starting out in the work force. Later, when I was unemployed, homeless and looking for work, a voice kept prompting me to take a job as a school bus driver—which I did for two years. This job got me back into the work force and moving forward with my life.

I have had other incidences of someone or something either showing me what to do or protecting me from danger. I realize now that God was guiding me and correcting my course, so I could finally understand everything I had learned as I was growing up. He was guiding me when I registered with VA and started receiving both medical and mental health services. He connected me with a missional church group, and he guided me to a faith-based treatment center, where the Holy Spirit opened my eyes as to what it meant to be a disciple of Jesus.

It took me a good portion of my life before I fully committed to being a true Christian. I am still a work in progress—and I will be until Jesus comes—but I am now more open and willing to listen to that still, small voice in my head telling me what I should do. Remember: God loves you and cares about you.

Bill Green has lived in Washington—specifically the Puget Sound area—for most of his life. A graduate of what is now known as Auburn Adventist Academy, Bill enjoys music, photography and the outdoors. Bill has been a member of LifeWay since 2015.