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5015 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA 98023

Church Blog

Introducing Tim and Cassi Kim and family

Two Sunday’s ago, February 2, we had an all-Church update meeting. There was a sizable group of our people in attendance as I gave a winter time update on multiple topics. The most important of these was an introduction of a young man and his family, Tim and Cassi Kim and their four year old daughter Joanna (Jo Jo).  As I write this to you our church family, let me explain who they are and why we brought this up. …

Who do you say that I am?

Have you ever met someone famous? I love the game at parties… “Two truths and a lie.”  When I play this game I love to put famous names out there; two of them being a truth, and one being a lie. Patty and I have run across in random ways many people that were quite well known; politicians, film stars, musicians, sports stars, and even a US President (before he was the president). These would be recognizable people to you,…

Are There Angels in Our Midst? (Part II)

Read Part I So, the question is how has God used angels in the past? Firstly, angels are God’s message carriers. Did you know that the Greek word, angel, means “messenger”? Angels are God’s spokespersons, so to speak. In the Old Testament, an angel carried God’s message to direct Abraham’s maidservant, Hagar, to return to her mistress, Sarai. Two angels carried God’s message to Abraham and told him about God’s plan to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah. An angel carried…

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“We are a family- and community-focused church in Federal Way helping people find hope in Jesus.”

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